- v. 把(历史事件等)编成小说,使小说化( fictionalize的过去式和过去分词 )
fictionalized 双语例句
His story was later fictionalized in the movie , chariots of fire . 他的故事后被改编为电影《火焰战车》。 These are the flaws of filters and pseudonyms and fictionalized settings , and accountants , and publishing realities - and spooks . 这些都是假名和虚构的过滤器和设置的缺陷,会计师,出版现实。 A fictionalized film based on president barack obama 's childhood years in indonesia opened here thursday following a red-carpet premiere on wednesday night . 一部根据美国总统奥巴马在印度尼西亚的童年往事改编而成的影片周三晚间举行了隆重的首映式,随后于周四在印尼首都雅加达上映。 While much of the film " the social network " is fictionalized , the ability of great programmers and designers to produce fantastic software and websites in drunken states is not . 虽然很多关于公司社交网络的消息都是小说编出来的,但是伟大的程序员和设计师在醉酒状态下制造出了不起的软件和网页这一消息不是杜撰的。 In the show , fictionalized slightly as nucky thompson , he 's played by the bug-eyed , slightly cadaverous steve buscemi , another " sopranos " alumnus . 在片中,他的姓名略改为纳基汤普森,由面容略显苍白憔悴,两眼凸出的史提夫布西米饰演。