evian 双语例句
But Fang doesn \'t see Evian as a threat . 但方总却不认为依云是一个威胁。 Though Danone sells yogurt brand Activia and Evian water in the United States , it doesn \' t have a huge presence in the infant nutrition market here . 虽然达能集团在美国销售碧悠(Activia)酸奶和依云(Evian)矿泉水,但是在婴儿营养食品市场的占有率非常有限。 It also banned imports of Evian water , claiming that it had too much bacteria . 中国还禁止进口依云(evian)矿泉水,称其细菌超标。 Fang said his “ Nine Thousand Year Dagu Giacier Water ” would eventually become China \'s Evian . 我坚信,九千年原生态达古冰川泉水在不远的将来定将成为中国的依云! Foreign companies such as Evian of France has been in China for some20 years and remains competitive . 诸如法国依云这样的外企业已进驻中国市场20余载,仍然保持强大的竞争力。