英 ['eθɪsɪst]
美 ['eθɪsɪst]
ethicist 双语例句
They are used to resolving conflicting principles , says dick willems , a dutch doctor and ethicist . 荷兰的医生,伦理学家dickwillems说,他们惯于解决相冲突的原则。 The opportunity to clone a barrel-chested , long-faced primitive man , one excited university ethicist told a reporter , would be a little like rescuing an endangered pocket of exotic wildlife . 一位情绪激动的大学伦理学家对记者表示,能够克隆一个胸部丰满的长脸原始人,就有点像能够拯救一种濒临灭绝的珍稀野生生物一样。 Philosopher and ethicist dr robert sparrow , of monash university , australia , doesn 't believe lab meat will reduce our over-consumption of " real " meat . 澳大利亚莫纳什大学的哲学家、伦理学家罗伯特斯帕罗博士(dr.robertsparrow)并不相信,人造肉会减少人们对肉的过度消费。 The eminent university of chicago ethicist leon kass has argued that human cloning would be offensive in part because the clone would " not be fully a surprise to the world . " 芝加哥大学知名伦理学家利昂卡斯认为,人类克隆也许是冒犯,部分原因是克隆“对这个世界来说并不完全是一件意外的事情。” In the words of julian savulescu , an ethicist and supporter of embryonic stem-cell research , yamanaka " deserves not only a nobel prize for medicine , but a nobel prize for ethics . " 一位伦理学家和支持胚胎干细胞的研究者朱利安萨瓦莱斯库(juliansavulescu)说“山中伸弥不只得到了诺贝尔医学奖,他也获得了诺贝尔伦理奖。”