erke 双语例句
" When the chinese women weightlifters win the first gold in 2008 , the spirit of hongxing erke will also be widely spread , " says an optimistic marketing executive . 鸿星尔克一位乐观的营销高管表示:“当中国女子举重选手在2008年奥运会上赢得首枚金牌时,鸿星尔克的精神也将得到广泛传播。” When executives at hongxing erke , a chinese sports-shoe maker , were planning an olympics marketing strategy , they began by examining the schedule of events . 当中国运动鞋制造商鸿星尔克(hongxingerke)的高管们规划一项奥运会营销战略时,他们首先做的是研究赛事日程。 But the job of clothing teams from more obscure nations sometimes falls to smaller companies . The chinese hongxing erke group had dressed north korean athletes in recent years , but it isn 't equipping them for this cup . 中国的鸿星尔克集团(hongxingerkegroup)近年来曾为朝鲜运动员制作过球衣,但朝鲜队本届世界杯的队服却并不是由该公司制作的。