- abbr. electro-convulsive therapy 电惊厥疗法;evaporative cooling techniques 蒸发冷却技术;engine cutoff time 发送机终止时间;estimated completion time 估计完成时间
ect 双语例句
He or she does not consciously feel the electrical impulse administered in ect . 他没有意识感到ect实施中的电脉冲。 He was given ect many more times in the following weeks . 随后几周,他又经历了更多电击治疗。 It said parents had to sign a contract before admission acknowledging that their child would be given ect . 家长们必须在子女入院前签署一份合约,确认他们知道孩子会接受电击疗法。 Ect may cause some short-term side effects , including confusion , disorientation and memory loss . ect可能产生短时副作用,包括思维混乱、方向障碍和记忆缺失。 Before ect is administered , a patient takes a muscle relaxant and is put under brief anesthesia . 在实施ect之前,患者服用肌肉松弛剂,进入到短暂麻醉状态。