dynasties 双语例句
And why is a populist republic so enamoured of political dynasties ? 为什么一个平民主义共和国如此倾心于政治的王朝原则? Mr karamehmet 's cukurova holding is one of the country 's great industrial dynasties . karamehmet先生的库库罗瓦控股集团是这个国家巨大的工业王朝之一。 Political dynasties develop as in the case of the senior and junior assad in syria . 政治王朝由此形成,正如叙利亚的老阿萨德和小阿萨德。 The coming year will also shine a spotlight on the young heirs to europe 's business dynasties . 即将到来的一年同样会将聚光灯投影在欧洲商业王朝的年轻继承人身上。 Beijing is teh captial of new china and previously the capital for nine dynasties in chinese history . 北京是新中国的首都,也是先前中国历史上九个王朝的建都之地.