- abbr. (Latin prefix=hard) (拉丁语前缀)困难的;duration 持续时间,为期
dur 双语例句
Abdurrahman wahid ( gus dur ) , intellectual and president of indonesia , died on december 30th , aged 69 ; 阿卜都拉赫曼瓦希德(古斯杜尔),印度尼西亚的总统和知识分子,卒于12月30日,享年69岁; But business people see a return to the " noyau dur " system of the late 1980s , when the state created a web of cross-shareholdings to protect firms against foreign takeovers . 但是商界人士视其为回归到上世纪80年代末的“核心”系统,当时法国政府建立一套交叉控股网络,用以防止外国收购。 An astounding 76 million out of 88 million wage earners enjoy " contrats a dur é e ind é termin é es , " permanent contracts that make layoffs extremely expensive and time-consuming . 法国8,800万工薪族中有7,600万人享有“无固定期限合同“这样的长期雇用协议,使得裁员代价非常高,而且耗费时间。