downpours 双语例句
Trees , for example , react to downpours with a spurt of growth . 树木遇到倾盆大雨,会迅猛增长。 Japan is no stranger to heavy downpours during the early summer rainy season . 对日本来说,初夏雨季的倾盆大雨并不陌生。 The day had been an occasionally rainy one in the area with brief localized downpours but only sporadic sprinkles in other places nearby . 这天是该地区偶尔下雨的一天,短时间局部地区下过倾盆大雨,但仅有零星的小雨洒在附近的其他地方。 From here , we walked to the restaurant and were met with terrifying loud bolts of lightning and truly relentless downpours . 从这里到餐厅的途中,我们遭遇了可怕大声的闪电和真正毫不留情的倾盆大雨。 Americans have been living with the heavy downpours , rising sea levels , and blistering summer heat waves produced by man-made climate change for 30 years said the report , which was produced by more than 30 scientists working across 13 government agencies . 这份报告由在十三个政府机构任职的三十多位科学家编写,当中提到,三十年来,由人为气候变化造成的倾盆大雨、海平面上升和酷热的夏季热浪一直伴随着美国人的生活。