doers 双语例句
We 're a nation of doers and a nation of builders . 我们是一个属于实干家和建设者的国度。 In every domain I can think of , the people who are the most regarded are the doers . 在我能想到的每一领域里,最被人看重的是实干家。 Young , hamilton , and hula instructor alison hartle explain how any teacher can turn students into doers . 年轻的汉密尔顿土风舞导师,艾莉森介绍教师们如何将每个学生转变为实干家。 She is one of the doers of this world . 她是这个领域中的一位实干者。 They are no longer powerful doers . 他们不再是有力量的行动者。