dir 双语例句
But the stream of refugees from swat , buner and dir is unrelenting . 但来自白瓦沙布那尔和迪尔的难民潮不断出现。 For example , in cmd and dos , the dir command prints out a list of files . 例如,在cmd和dos,dir命令会打印出一个文本格式的文件列表。 While simple commands in dos such as dir use text , more powerful tools work with objects . 一些简单的dos命令使用文本(比如dir),更强大的工具则使用对象。 If the document 's dir property is set to rtl , the selection glyph is on the right . 如果文档的dir属性设置为rtl,则选择标志符号在右边。 On saturday evening as the lashkar in upper dir began to fight local taliban , a suicide bomber penetrated a police compound in the capital , islamabad , killing two policemen . 星期六晚间,当在上迪尔区的虔诚军开始攻击当地塔利班的时候,一个自杀炸弹炸杀手渗透到首都伊斯兰堡的一个警察局,炸死两名警察。