英 [dɪ'fɑɪ]
美 [dɪ'fɑɪ]
defi 双语例句
Assessment of iodine defi ciency disorders and monitoring their elimination . 碘缺乏病的评估及其消除进展的监测。 Impaired reasoning and long-term memory defi cits were seen in 56 and 36 % of patients , respectively . There are a number of contributing factors ; severity of illness , inability to communicate verbally , immobility and sedative medications . 推理能力损害和长期的记忆缺陷分别占到了56%和36%,许多促成因素如:严重疾病、语言交流的障碍、镇静药物的应用。 A crystal clear , authentic sound reproduction that is perfect right down to the last detail , with full , deep base sounds , clearly defi ned mid-ranges and precise trebles . 如水晶般透彻的声音表现,讲究完美的细节;圆润的音柱不仅给你深厚的低音,轮廓分明的中音以及精准的高音。