decades 双语例句
He 's been a trenchant market commentator for decades now . 他可是有几十年经验、眼光犀利的市场评论家。 Over the decades , the firm has made everything from flatscreen televisions to light bulbs to life-saving health equipment . 这二十年来,该公司的产品无所不包,涵盖了平板电视、电灯泡和救死扶伤的医疗保健设备。 Natural-gas production will boom for at least the next three decades . 天然气产量的迅猛提升将至少持续30年。 For the past two decades , it has eschewed the mega conference , participating in macworld instead . 过去二十年中,苹果从未参加过大型展会,而是会出席MacWorld大会。 But for the first time in decades , it has a shot at relevancy . 但是数十年来,别克首次拥有了可以叫板的王牌。