cy 双语例句
Tech companies did not invent cy pres awards . 近似罚金并不是由科技公司发明的。 Wise image of the star cy cam , with metallic dust glowing red . 恒星cycam的wise图像,金属粉尘呈现出红色。 Stop thinking cy young for wang already . 不要再认为赛扬奖必然属于王建民的。 For her sons : it 's sunflower seeds and papaya or " papaw " ointment popular in australia for when arpad flynn or aurelius cy " get a boo-boo . " 为儿子们准备的:当arpadflynn或aureliuscy受了小伤,我就会给他们用澳大利亚常见的葵瓜子和木瓜或番木瓜药膏。 Cy leung , hong kong 's chief executive , told reporters last week that with money also flowing into shops , commercial premises and car parks , the government 's non-interventionist policy was outdated 香港行政长官梁振英(cyleung)上周对记者们表示,鉴于资金也在流向商店、商用物业和停车场,政府的不干预政策已经过时。