curiel 双语例句
Mr Curiel said the prices resulted partly from the large amounts of cash chasing fine art and wines around the world . 高逸龙表示,高拍价的部分原因是,全球有大量现金追逐艺术品和上等葡萄酒。 Fran OIS Curiel , Asia president , said that while the auctioneer has filed arrears cases globally , “ it \' s very rare ” . 佳士得亚洲总裁弗朗索瓦克里埃(francoiscuriel)表示,尽管该拍卖行在全球各地都曾启动催款诉讼,但“这种情况极少”。 However , international works of art , wine and jewellery will be offered and , says Asian president Fran & # 231 ; ois Curiel , We will also be able to make private sales 但是,国际艺术品、洋酒以及珠宝将会进入拍卖名录,佳士得亚洲区总裁高逸龙(Franç;oisCuriel)说:我们也有能力举办私人拍卖会