cubed 双语例句
The beets we had for supper were cubed instead of sliced . 我们晚餐吃的甜菜是切成立方块,而不是切成片。 Add 3 peeled and cubed potatoes and 3 trimmed and chopped leeks . 加入3个去皮切块的土豆和3根整齐切碎的韭菜。 And even if casino wins , it will have poisoned the relationship with its co-proprietors and distracted everyone from the task of selling cubed pineapples and imported cheese to affluent brazilians . 并且即使法商casino赢得官司,可能也伤害了与其共同经营者的关系,并使每位员工无法专心于向巴西有钱人推销正立方体菠萝和进口奶酪的任务。 Five cubed is one hundred and twenty-five . 5的立方等于125。 Eg. the beets we had for supper were cubed instead of sliced . 我们晚餐吃的甜菜是切成立方块,而不是切成片.