counterterrorist 双语例句
Gimry recently endured more than a year of isolation behind a military cordon under an ongoing " counterterrorist operation " . 一支执行“反恐行动”的军队已对gimry地区进行了一年多的军事封锁。 Perhaps the intelligence gains will prove to be of even greater importance for counterterrorist efforts than the killing of mr bin laden . 对反恐工作而言,也许这些情报的收获将比杀死本拉登更为重要。 Bilateral security cooperation has also extended to include the training of pakistani defense personnel , the sharing of military intelligence , and the holding of joint military and counterterrorist exercises . 双边安全合作也延伸到包括训练巴基斯坦国防人员、共享军事情报和举办联合军事和反恐训练这样的领域。 But for the same operational reasons , any u.s. persons who do become terrorists would present a significant counterterrorist challenge even without having any affiliation with al qaeda or some other foreign group . 但是,出于同样的操作原因,任何真正成为恐怖分子的美国人,即使与“基地”组织或者其他外国组织没有任何联系,也会形成重大的反恐挑战。 America was traumatised , but the eagerness of that administration to see al-qaida as a foe that was more potent , widespread and numerically larger than it actually was turned what should always have been a series of planned counterterrorist operations into invasions , occupations and war seemingly without credible end . 美国的心灵深受创伤,但是那个政府机构将基地组织视为比其实际情况更加强大、更加普遍、数量更广的敌人的渴望,将本该是一连串计划好的反恐行动变成了看起来没有休止的入侵、占领和战争。