英 [ˌkɔ:dɪ'ælətɪ]
美 [ˌkɔ:dɪ'ælətɪ]
cordiality 变化形式
复数: cordialities
cordiality 双语例句
Such cordiality would , of course , prove short-lived . 当然如此的热诚被证明是短暂的. For that cordiality , much of the credit can go to angela merkel , the german chancellor . 如此热诚的态度,绝大程度上应该归功于德国总理默克尔。 My homestay mother greeted me with cordiality . 我的寄宿家庭妈妈热诚地迎接我。 My hostess greeted me with unexpected cordiality . 我的女主人以出乎意外的热诚迎接我。 Some reckon the new cordiality reflects a feeling that everyone is in the same boat : when some firms have to fire good performers as well as bad , no one is safe . 有人认为这种新的热诚反映出一种人人同舟共济的感觉:当部分企业不得不不分良莠地裁员时,没人是安全的。