cooke 双语例句
Shamus cooke : the two roads out of recession . 沙马斯库克:走出经济衰退的两条道路。 Representatives for castle & cooke and mr. ellison couldn 't be reached . 记者无法联系到castle&cooke或埃里森的代表置评。 Mr cooke arrived under police escort . 库克先生在警察的护送下到了。 Cooke was also a wise businessman . 库克也是一个聪明的商人。 Superluminous supernovae were first detected just a few years ago , and are rare in the nearby universe , with only one discovered prior to the research by cooke and colleagues . 超发光体超新星仅仅在几年前被第一次发现,这在整个宇宙中是很罕见的,仅有的一个是被库克和他的同事发现的。