compe 双语例句
193we Have new methods like compe ation trade and joint ventrue . 我们有补偿贸易和合资经营。 President obama , too , has apparently bet on compe tition . 很明显,奥巴马总统也是把筹码压在引入竞争上。 Except as provided herein , attorney shall not be entitled to any other compe ation from client for legal services related to this agreement . 除本合同规定外,律师无权从客户处得到任何其他与本合同相关的法律服务补偿。 Unlike deposits where the bank has to provide security and also provide compe ation in the form of interest , a loan is a form of investment for the bank ? 在存款时,银行提供安全保障,同时以利息的形式提供补偿,而贷款是银行的投资。 Party b shall not interfere in such direct dealings , nor shall party b bring forward any demand for compe ation therefrom . 乙方不得干涉此种直接贸易,也无权向甲方提出任何补偿或佣金要求。