clow 双语例句
Clow play an important role in a circus . 小丑在马戏团起着重要作用。 It is here , in my opinion , that lee clow deserves a great deal of credit . 在我看来,正是在这方面,李克劳大大值得称赞。 My son and daughter-in clow are visiting me this fall . 我今年秋天我的儿子和儿媳妇要来看我。 Wallers said the helicopter belonged to air angels inc. , an emergency medical transport service based at clow airport in suburban bolingbrook . wallers说这架直升飞机属于airangels公司,这是一家坐落于bolingbrook市郊区clow机场的专门提供紧急医疗运输服务的公司。