chkdsk 双语例句
Please free some disk space and run CHKDSK again . 请释放磁盘空间,并再次运行CHKDSK。 Run CHKDSK / F to check for hard drive corruption , and then restart your computer . 跑CHKDSK/F到检查对于硬盘腐败,和然后重新开始您的计算机。 This is the program used to check and repair file systems , equivalent to chkdsk in Windows . 这个程序用来检查和修复文件系统,相当于Windows中的chkdsk。 If the installation media cannot be found , Chkdsk prompts you to provide the location of the Autochk.exe file . 如果无法找到安装媒体,CHKDSK会提示您输入Autochk.exe文件的位置。 Use cluster administrator to find the group that contains the shared drive on which you want to run chkdsk . 使用群集管理器查找组包含要运行chkdsk上共享驱动器。