cheroots 双语例句
Cigars cheroots and cigarillos , containing tobacco substitutes . 含菸叶代用品之雪茄菸、吕宋菸及小雪茄菸。 Cigars , cheroots and cigarillos , containing tobacco , and for repackage . 含烟叶之雪茄烟、吕宋烟及小雪茄烟,供分装用者。 In coastal villages these shells are commonly seen being used as ashtrays for cheroots and cigars . 在沿海的村子里,经常可以看到这些贝壳被用做雪茄的烟灰缸。 Cigars , cheroots and cigarillos , containing tobacco , and not for repackage . 含烟叶之雪茄烟、吕宋烟及小雪茄烟,非供分装用者。 Cigars , cheroots and cigarillos , containing tobacco substitutes , and not for repackage . 含烟叶代用品之雪茄烟、吕宋烟及小雪茄烟,非供分装用者。