cerebellum 中文词源
cerebellum 小脑
来自词根cereb,脑,词源同horn, 角,头。-elle, 小词后缀。
cerebellum 双语例句
A little extra vasoactive peptide in the cerebellum ? 抑或是小脑中的一些额外的血管活性肽作用了? It found a significant link betweenmigraine with aura and concurrent infarcts in certain regionsin the brain , particularly in the cerebellum . 它发现了先兆偏头痛与脑中特定区域,特别是小脑并发的栓塞之间的重要联系。 Ginkgo is gaining recognition as a brain tonic that enhances memory because of its positive effects on the vascular system , especially in the cerebellum . 由于对血管系统,特别是小脑的正面影响,银杏是作为一种增强记忆的脑补剂获得承认。 Even complex components within the brain , such as the cerebellum , optic chiasm and pituitary gland can all be found in thepicture . 即使是脑中复杂的组成都能在这幅图中找到,比如说小脑、视神经交叉和垂体。 Psychologist david marr proposed a novel model of the human cerebellum in the early 1970s by which memory was stored randomly throughout a web of neurons . 1970年代,心理学家戴维马尔提出一种人类小脑的新模型,在这个模型中,记忆是随机地存储在整个神经元网络中的。