campuses 双语例句
” Academically-rigorous admissions criteria , online courses with limited class sizes , reinvented teaching responsibilities and global campuses . 该计划设定了比较严格的学业录取标准,对在线课程的课堂人数有所限制,教师的教学职责也有很大革新,同时还具备全球化的校园氛围。 All employees receive a $ 25 monthly credit to the dreamworks printcenters at the glendale and redwood city campuses . 每个月,梦工厂(DreamWorks)的员工都能收到价值25美元的消费券,可在位于格伦代尔和雷德伍德城园区的“梦工厂打印中心”消费。 Blockades of factories and university campuses are common . 封锁工厂及大学校园是很正常的事。 It 's one reason the university of california campuses in berkeley , los angeles and san diego are so much more diverse than other top colleges . 这也是为何加利佛尼大学在伯克利、洛杉矶和圣地亚哥的分校比其他顶尖大学更富有多样性的原因之一。 It has several campuses and hundreds of company partners . 它有若干校区和数百个公司伙伴。