1520s, "mystical interpretation of the Old Testament," later "society, small group meeting privately" (1660s), from French cabal, in both senses, from Medieval Latin cabbala (see cabbala). Popularized in English 1673 as an acronym for five intriguing ministers of Charles II (Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale), which gave the word its sinister connotations.
cabal 双语例句
1. He had been chosen by a cabal of fellow senators.
2. Dr : Ready to beam the second segment interface procedure , CABAL, stand by.
准备发送第二部分的接口程序, CABAL请准备.
3. He had been chosen by a secret government cabal.
4. Instead of trying to develop into a mass party, FRELIMO remained a small tightly organized cabal.
FRELIMO没有试图发展成大的政党, 而一直是组织严密的小秘密集团.
5. Is there a rival in your cabal ( for power, affection or leadership )?