- vt. [证券]从事投机使(证券等)价格上涨(bull的过去式与过去分词形式)
bulled 双语例句
He bulled his way into the room . 他挤过人群走进房间。 He bulled his way into the hall . 他挤过人群走进大厅。 He bulled his way through a crowded bus . 他在拥挤的公共汽车上硬挤过去。 He bulled her into handing him her share of the money . 他吓唬着让她把自己那份钱交给他。 Instead , he was bulled by a cofounder into groupon 's much more modest aspiration : " to make today different enough from yesterday to justify getting out of bed . " 事与愿违,迫于联合创始人的压力,他接受了Groupon更现实的目标:“让今天跟昨天足够不同,让起床干活物有所值。”