ars 双语例句
( Ars technica and the official google blog ) 【科技博客ArsTechnica、谷歌官方博客(GoogleBlog)】 Please recall that ars were sold as ' cash surrogates ' . 别忘了,标售利率证券当初可是作为“现金替代物”售出的。 Chris foresman over at ars technica does an in-depth side-by-side comparison . 克里斯•福尔斯曼在IT新闻网站ArsTechnica上撰文,对两者进行了深入的横向比较。 How will ars readers handle the google privacy changes ? 而ars的读者将如何对待此次谷歌隐私改变? The news was first reported by ars technica . 这一消息最先由arstechnica报道。