anish 双语例句
Anish kapoor and cecil balmond 's orbit is a daring , imaginative and exhilarating work of art . 安尼施卡普尔和塞西尔巴尔蒙德的《轨道》是一个大胆的、富有想象力的,令人兴奋的艺术作品。 Science and art belong to the whole world , and before them anish the barriers of nationality . 科学与艺术属于全世界,国籍障碍在他们之前消失了。 An array of public figures , including the sculptor anish kapoor , and un secretary-general ban ki-moon have copied his " horse riding " dance . 一系列公众人物,包括雕刻家安尼施卡普尔和联合国秘书长潘基文已经模仿过他的骑马舞。