amputees 双语例句
In any war , there are many dead and many amputees . 任何战争都会有许多阵亡者和被截肢者。 The aquarium has established a program that allows amputees to visit for free . 该水族馆还启动了一个项目,允许截肢人士免费参观。 It offers free surfing classes to amputees and people with other disabilities . 截肢者和其他残疾的人提供免费上网类。 Amputees sometimes experience phantom limb sensations , feeling pain , itching or other impulses coming from limbs that no longer exist . 截肢者有时会经历幻肢感觉,感觉到从不再存在的肢体传来疼痛、痒或者其他刺激。 To compensate for the lower ground force , grabowski found that amputees typically moved their legs more quickly to generate the same amount of power . 格拉博夫斯基发现,为了弥补较低的蹬地力量,截肢者通常更快地摆动双腿以产生同样的功率。