allianz 双语例句
Every four years , allianz holds an international olympics for its sports teams . 安联(Allianz)每4年会举办一次公司内部的国际奥林匹克运动会。 Today that schoolfriend is himself the local allianz agent . 现在,那个校友自己也成了当地的安联代理人。 This past weekend , it is safe to say , allianz 's chief executive was particularly looking forward to getting away from the day job . 可以说,在8月份的最后一个周末,这位安联集团(allianz)首席执行官格外向往摆脱日常工作。 Allianz already has a fund management joint venture with guotai junan securities . 安联已经与国泰君安证券(guotaijunansecurities)合资建立了一家基金管理公司。 Allianz is thought to be open to tie-ups in europe in investment banking . 外界认为,安联保险也会考虑在欧洲展开投资银行领域的合作。