- abbr. aeromedical evacuation system 航空医学评估系统;annual expectation of sales 年销售期望;auger electron spectroscopy 俄歇电子能谱分析法
aes 双语例句
Aiming to strengthen the authentication , bring forward an authentication protocol based on aes . 针对这一环节,提出了基于aes的访问认证协议。 Aes owns and operates wind , solar , and conventional generating assets around the world . 爱依斯在世界各地拥有并运营着风电、太阳能发电和传统发电资产。 Determination of trace element impurities in copper sulphate for electroplating by icp - aes . icp-aes法测定电镀硫酸铜中杂质元素。 Aes agreed to pay me salary for the testing period because I said aes could also test me at the same time to avoid hiring a mistake . 因为我对aes说,在我进行试聘期间,他们同时能对我的能力进行测试以防聘错人,所以他们同意,试聘期间也付我薪水。 A treasury spokeswoman said the committee doesn 't comment on individual reviews . Aes declined to comment . 美国财政部的一名女发言人称外国投资委员会不会就个案的审查置评,aes也拒绝置评。