Yu 双语例句
Mr yu , the traditionalist , remains hopeful . 于先生,一个传统主义者,依然是满怀希望。 " They are more picky about where they work , " yu said . 余先生说:“他们对于工作环境更为挑剔。” Mr yu and ms huang are just two of the thousands of young people trying to navigate china 's modern marriage market . 俞先生和黄女士只不过是那些挣扎在中国现代婚恋市场的千万人中的两人而已。 A federal grand jury in detroit indicted yu on five counts in july but it was sealed until he was arrested after arriving in chicago from china . 底特律的一个联邦陪审团在7月以五项罪名起诉于某,但在于某从中国抵达芝加哥被捕之前一直处于保密状态。 Mr. yu said he agreed with mr. zheng that the court 's acceptance of the discrimination lawsuit was a sign of changing legal standards . 于方强表示,他同意郑律师的看法,法院对此歧视案的受理标志着中国的法律标准正在不断变化。