Yingluck 双语例句
Ms yingluck herself has often talked of reconciliation . 英拉本人也经常谈到和解的问题。 Ms yingluck 's caution may disappoint pt supporters . 英拉的谨慎可能会让一些为泰党的支持者失望。 Ms yingluck will need to mind more than just the opposition . 英拉女士需要考虑的不仅仅是反对的声音。 Yet ms yingluck 's thailand is a long way from camelot . 但是英拉的泰国离成为亚瑟王的卡米洛特还有很长的路要走。 The nomination of ms yingluck has turned the election into a referendum on her exiled brother . 威禄的提名,已将选举变成了一个有关流放中的他信的公投。