Xiao 双语例句
I looked at her a long time before I recognized her as Xiao zhang . 我端详了半天,才认出她是小张。 Xiao Luo : I know , but how is it related to World Expo ? 小罗:这我知道,但与世博会有关系呢? Xiao Wang is a sailor , and has been working on a foreign ship . 小王是名水手,他一直在外轮上工作。 As a visual modality of art , Xiao Zhuan possesses Symmetrical and balanceable beauty . 作为一种视觉艺术形式,小篆具有一种对称的平衡美。 OBJECTIVE : To investigate the anti inflammatory and analgesic action of Xiao jing Capsules . 前言:目的:考察小金胶囊在抗炎及镇痛方面的药效作用。