英 [wɜ:mz,vɔ:rms]
美 [wɜ:mz,vɔ:rms]
Worms 变化形式
易混淆的单词: worms
Worms 双语例句
Bamboo worms : popular in thailand . Insect larvae snack . 竹虫:流行于泰国,用昆虫幼虫做成的小吃。 Intestinal worms have been shown to do so on many occasions . 肠道寄生虫被发现在很多时候会这么做。 Crushing pressure , freezing temperatures , and zero sunlight isn 't enough of a challenge for giant tube worms . 恐怖的压力,极度的低温,终年无阳光照射对于巨型管型虫来说算不得什么挑战。 For the same reason , filter feeders , like clams and worms , burrow underground in most regions . 同样的道理,类似蛤和虫这样的滤食动物在大部分区域都埋在地下。 On march 26th she sailed into manzanillo , in mexico , bearing a trove of specimens including a dozen or so pompeii worms . 在本月26日,该船驶向了墨西哥的曼萨尼约,运送了包括一打左右的庞贝虫在内的大量样本。