Wong 双语例句
Wong assumed he 'd get laughs in america . wong觉得他在美国会得到笑声。 But 21st century sydney sleep physician and researcher dr keith wong disagrees . 但是21世纪的悉尼睡眠医生和睡眠研究者基斯王博士不这么认为。 Yet dr haselhuhn and dr wong found this was the case . 而哈泽尔胡恩博士和黄博士发现的就是这种情形。 Brill discovered wong at a comedy festival six years ago , and knew immediately he was special . 布瑞尔在六年前的一个喜剧节上发现了黄西,并立刻认定他很特别。 Mr. wong said lenovo 's strong position in china made it easier to enter other markets . 黄伟明说,联想在中国市场的地位稳固,这让它能比较轻松地进入其它市场。