WeChat 双语例句
Tencent 's wechat has now hit almost 300 million users , the majority of them in china . 腾讯(Tencent)的微信已经拥有了近3亿用户,其中绝大多数都在中国。 Two years ago he decided that the company needed to focus on mobile so he created wechat for mobile . 两年前,他决定腾讯公司需要把重点放在移动业务上,还为移动应用领域创造了微信。 Tencent currently doesn 't run ads on wechat . 腾讯目前没有在微信上投放广告。 Tencent has offered wechat in languages for all three markets . 腾讯针对这三个市场都推出了各自语言版本的微信。 Mr. lai didn 't say how tenpay would be integrated into wechat . 赖志明没有说财付通会在多大程度上被整合进微信。