Volvo 双语例句
Whether volvo can ever shake off its jinx is in question . 沃尔沃是否能摆脱厄运还不得而知。 Conventional wisdom suggests that the latest attempt to revive volvo as an automotive brand faces very long odds . 传统观点认为,最近沃尔沃(Volvo)为复兴这个汽车品牌所付出的努力成功的几率很小。 That means volvo is shut out of the $ 15 billion market for government cars . 这意味着沃尔沃将与规模高达150亿美元的公务车市场无缘。 " [ I ] have a 1982 volvo 245dl wagon with 298,968 miles on it . “我有一辆1982款的沃尔沃245DL旅行车,已经开了298,968英里。 Even volvo made two or three times that many cars . 就连沃尔沃(Volvo)的产量都能达到它的两三倍。