- abbr. vaginal washes 阴道清洗
VWs 双语例句
The clearly divided positioning of 2 vws began to form . 同时清晰的产品定位开始也在2家大众之间形成。 Nevertheless , the limited product lines prevented 2 vws to develop further . 然而,有限的车型阻止了2家大众的进一步发展。 Henceforth , the competitive relationship between the two vws is increasingly visible . 自此以后,两家大众之间的竞争关系便逐渐显现。 As for the 2 vws , maybe one plus one is less than two , but it is much greater than one . 对这两家合资大众来说,可能一加一的结果会小于二,但绝对要比单枪匹马来得给力。 In america vws are even sold at a loss , because of the strength of the euro and the relative inefficiency of vw 's german factories . 在美国,大众甚至亏本销售,这得归因于欧元的强势和大众德国工厂的相对低效。