VIII 双语例句
The largest was a $ 3.5 billion final close for encap energy capital fund viii . 其中最大的是最终募资规模35亿美元的EnCapEnergyCapitalFundVIII。 Many of them got infected early in the pandemic because factor viii was made from the blood of hundreds of donors . 许多血友病患者都在流行病早期被感染,因为凝血因子viii是从上百捐赠者的血液中提取出来的。 And , there 's a silver lining : the transplant has cured his hemophilia , because his new liver can make the factor viii he needs to prevent bleeding . 而且,为他带来曙光:肝脏移植手术治愈了他的血友病,因为新的肝脏能造出他所需要用来防止出血的凝血因子viii。 Massie got infected with hiv way back in 1978 several years before aids was recognized - from the constant injections of factor viii clotting factor he needed to treat his hemophilia . 马西如何感染上艾滋病毒得回到1978年艾滋病才被认识的前几年他需要不停注射凝血因子viii来治疗他的血友病。 The day edward viii abdicated . 爱德华八世逊位的日子。