VII 双语例句
Henry vi went to war with his uncle , charles vii . 亨利六世开始对他的叔叔查理七世开战。 Cleopatra vii was born in egypt , but she was descended from a lineage of greek kings and queens who had ruled egypt for nearly 300 years . 克利奥帕特拉七世(cleopatravii)出生在埃及,但她却是曾经统治了埃及近三百年之久的希腊国王和王后的子嗣。 They were most likely written by jack the ripper , who was probably king edward vii , since all evidence concerning this has been destroyed . 而很有可能是开膛手杰克写的,而杰克可能就是国王爱德华三世,而所有与此有关的证据都已灭失。 Apparently , edward vii got fat and couldn 't button his vest over his belly , so now nobody does . 很明显,爱德华七世由于太胖不能扣他大肚子上的扣子,所以现在大家也效仿。 Clear in my mind is the image of queen victoria , with the future kings , edward vii and george v standing behind her , and the infant edward viii in her lap . 我脑子里有幅主角是维多利亚女王的清晰图画,未来的国王爱德华七世和乔治五世站在她身后,幼小的爱德华八世坐在她的膝盖上。