Uygur 双语例句
" Ethnic separatist forces " led by rebiya kabeer , a uighur political activist exiled in the us , and the world uygur congress had " masterminded " the violence , said xinhua , china 's official news agency . 中国官方的新华社称,由流亡在美国的维吾尔政治活跃人士热比娅卡德尔所领导的“民族分裂势力”和世界维吾尔代表大会(worlduygurcongress)“策划”了这起暴力事件。 It is unclear where saadi was living during his exile in china or precisely what contact he may have had with uygur separatists . 萨迪流亡中国期间居于何处和准确来说他与维吾尔族分裂主义者之间有何种接触仍然是未知的。