Uyghur 双语例句
The uighur or uyghur is a turkic ethnic group living in eastern and central asia . 吾族(英文uighur或uyghur)是生活在及中的突厥族群。 Still , most analysts don 't believe uyghur separatists are linked to global terror networks such as al-qaeda . 但多数分析人士认为维族分裂主义者跟基地组织等全球恐怖网络无关。 As we began the short ride to kashgar we wondered if the tide of han had buried the uyghur culture as the sands of the vast taklamakan desert had buried many former silk road cities , or if there remained a trace of the proud people or spirit of the silk road . 当我们开始前往喀什的短途骑行时,我很想知道汉族的迁移浪潮是否会淹没维吾尔族的文化,就像辽阔的塔卡拉玛干沙漠曾经掩埋了许多丝路城市一样。或者,那些丝路上的骄傲的人民和精神还有一息尚存? President bush met last week with one of the most prominent exiled uighur leaders , rebiya kadeer , president of the uyghur american association , a washington-based advocacy group , along with four other chinese dissidents , in order to send a message to beijing on human rights . 布什总统上周会见了知名维吾尔流亡领袖、美国维吾尔协会(uyghuramericanassociation)主席热比娅?卡德尔(rebiyakadeer),与会的还有另外四位中国异见人士,藉此向北京发出有关人权问题的信息。