Unilever 双语例句
Clients soon ranged from two-person catering shops to sony and unilever . 客户很快就从夫妻店发展到了索尼(Sony)和联合利华(Unilever)这样的跨国大公司。 Unilever may be headquartered in europe , but it 's thriving in emerging markets . 没错,联合利华(Unilever)的总部或许在欧洲,但发家却是在新兴市场。 Keith weed of unilever ( ul ) , was the editors ' pick . 《财富》杂志编辑的选择是联合利华(Unilever)首席营销官基斯•韦德. Its anglo-dutch rival unilever 's home is in shanghai . 它的竞争对手英荷合资的联合利华的总部在上海。 Other tough tests include building a business in an isolated village ( a popular challenge at hindustan unilever ) or turning around a failing division . 其他一些困难的考验包括在孤立的小村庄里创业(在hindustanunilever常用的一招),或是挽救某岌岌可危的部门。