Tmall 双语例句
Jing dong mall accounts for 18 per cent of that , behind tmall with 49 per cent . 京东商城占据了其中18%的份额,落后于淘宝商城的49%。 Taobao and tmall forecast handling about one trillion yuan , or roughly $ 160 billion , in transactions this year for an array of goods , including clothing , furniture and electronics . 预计淘宝和天猫今年交易额将为人民币1万亿元(约合1600亿美元)左右,涉及服装、家具和电子产品等一系列商品。 But it is being squeezed both by tmall , the b2c platform of china 's alibaba group , and dynamic new rivals with business models which promise higher margins . 不过其市场空间正在受到中国阿里巴巴集团(alibabagroup)旗下b2c平台淘宝商城(tmall),以及商业模式利润率更高的充满活力的新竞争对手的双重挤压。 For tmall , life is relatively easy . As well as the backing by china 's largest e-commerce group , it is protected by its lower-risk business model . 淘宝商城的处境相对轻松,一方面是因为其背后有中国最大的电子商务集团支持,另一方面是因为其商业模式风险较低。