Thayer 双语例句
The trigger for the worsening disputes is largely economic , says carlyle thayer , a professor at australian defence force academy at the university of new south wales . carlylethayer是澳大利亚国防部在新南威尔士大学部队学院的教授,他认为触发冲突的背后还是经济原因。 Atlantic mangrove fiddler crab , thayer 's fiddler crab . 塞耶招潮、大西洋红树林招潮蟹。 It 's understandable after all , he thinks she slept with thayer . 这能理解毕竟,他认为她和塞尔上床了。 What do you think we should do about this , mr. thayer ? 你觉得我们应该怎么处理呢,泰勒先生? China ' seeks to control these resources because they are abundant and closer to home than oil from the middle east , ' mr. thayer said . 塞耶说,中国希望控制这些资源,因为它们不仅储量丰富,而且跟中国本土的距离比中东石油更近。