Stallone 双语例句
The film that put stallone on the action hero map . 这部电影把史泰龙推上了动作英雄的行列。 I sometimes wonder : if stallone and lundgren were to really box , who would win ? 我有时候会怀疑:如果史泰龙和朗格来场真正的拳赛,又是谁会赢呢? In an interview with a fan website , he described the scene , poking fun at his and stallone 's trademark verbal dexterity . 在一个粉丝网站的访谈中,他在描述一个电影场景时取笑了自己和史泰龙的口才。 A national advertising campaign shows soldiers draped with more bandoleers than sylvester stallone 's rambo would think decent . 全国性的广告宣传所展现的士兵肩上背的子弹带比西尔维斯特.史泰龙演的rambo背得还要多,显得很体面。 The rambo series was another franchise that has a character who can only be played by stallone . 兰博系列是另一个只能由史泰龙扮演的传奇角色。