Soso 双语例句
' But I will definitely [ use soso ] more in the future , ' she says . 不过,她表示,以后肯定会更多使用搜搜。 I remember walking on stage for a piano competition . I was so nervous , and you whispered , " soso , you worked as hard as you could . It doesn 't matter how you do . " 我记得於钢琴比赛走在台上,我好紧张,你在我耳边道:「苏苏(soso),你已经尽你所能,你怎样做都没问题.」 Although it is soso , it repercented the period . Seeing from the works , it was made after jiadao period , however , seeing from the lion model , it was made before tongguang period . 雕工虽然一般,但是具时代特征。从龙的雕工来看此剑似为嘉道之后,但是从剑格狮子铸型来看似为同光之前。