Shi 双语例句
Dr. shi said his company would try to prevent similar rules in any future projects . 施博士声称,他的公司将在未来的项目中尽力阻止类似的规定。 " The words are strong , " says shi , " but the deeds will be more limited . " 施教授说:“言辞虽然激烈,但是实际行动是很有限的。” Mr. shi squinted at me as he lit a cigarette and then started to speak , hesitated , and started again . 老石点了一支烟,瞥了我一眼后开始说话,然后又犹豫了一下,又开始说了起来。 But like many singles in china , alexandra shi , an undergraduate student at beijing foreign studies university , is looking for love . 但是像中国的许多的单身者,例如北京外国语大学的本科学生的亚历山德拉施(alexandrashi),正在寻找爱情。 Mr shi 's hospital has now carried out a first screening of candidates to weed out those who fell foul of the 100 rules . 施先生所有的医院已经对候选人进行了第一次筛选,剔除与100条规则不符者.