Serena 双语例句
I think he 's with serena . 我觉得他和serena在一起。 Did you choose serena over me ? 我们之中你选了serena? And you only get one shot , with a girl like serena . 接回对于像serena这样的女孩,你的机会只有一次。 Tennis ace serena williams always bounces her ball five times before her first serve . 网球名将小威廉姆斯(serenawilliams)在发第一个球之前总是把球弹五次。 Sure , they 're b.f.f.s , but we always thought blair 's boyfriend nate had a thing for serena . 当然,她俩是铁杆老友,但大家都认为blair的男友nate对serena有意思。